A combination of the whites of the two vineyards that really reveals the Balaton’s volcanic flavours. Made by blending Olaszrizling (Welschriesling or Italian Riesling), Rajnai Rizling (Rhine Riesling) and Sauvignon Blanc. The rich, salty taste and aroma notes of other grape varieties are framed by a certain fruitiness. A fresh, crisp white wine with the characteristics of the two vineyards. Fermentation took place in a stainless steel tank at low temperature. This is the mass wine used by the Veszprém Archdiocese.
Vesprim Infula

Year: 2023
Analytics: sugar content 2g/l, alcohol 13%, acid: 6.2g/l
Which vineyard is it sourced from: Felsőörs, Mindszentkálla
Recommended for which dishes: grill meat and fish